THOA Vision, Mission and Values

THOA Trustees, in trying to articulate a hope for the future, a sense of purpose and some guiding principles, have arrived after some debate, at the following vision, mission and values statements to guide their endeavours.

Vision statement

To provide a safe, secure and aesthetically pleasing township area where members and tenants with their families and visitors can dwell and play in peace and harmony with the environment and with their fellow citizens.

Mission statement

To strive to achieve our vision by promoting and ensuring adherence to our agreed Constitution and Code of Conduct and to ensure that adequate means are put into place to fund and control activities in compliance with our vision and with the legitimate requirements of the authorities.


The guiding principles within which our Vision and Mission will be achieved are in compliance with the principles of good governance which are:

  • Inclusivity and transparency
  • Responsibility and accountability
  • Integrity
  • Equity
  • Discipline and selflessness

Thornhill Estate is an upmarket residential estate and we take pride in our serene surroundings, the tranquil setting, secure open spaces and natural beauty of the many trees and waterscapes that lend it a unique country feel.

We are very fortunate to have a well-established management team of staff and Trustees, assisted by various sub-committees, with various portfolios including security, maintenance, gardens, architecture, governance, financial, legal and social.

To maintain our current privileged lifestyle and security requires that all residents and their guests adhere to the rules and regulations prescribed in the governance documents. It is incumbent on all residents of Thornhill Estate to familiarise themselves with the THOA Constitution and the Code of Conduct, Rules and Regulations, including any other documentation that may become relevant from time to time. Everything you need to know about living on the Estate is available below, including the Constitution and Conduct Rules, together with the various Addenda and forms.

If you are still unsure about something, take a look at the FAQs and if your questions still remain unanswered you are welcome to contact the office.

Our Office Team

Kevin Fisher
Kevin FisherOperations
Linda Fisher
Linda FisherOffice Administration

Our Trustees

Stephen Burrow
Stephen BurrowChairman
Stephen is director and owner of a successful business of 15 years, with 12 years previous experience in the business sector. He has been a past Chairman of THOA and has contributed in making this a harmonious place to live.
Armour Gittings
Armour GittingsSecurity
Armour has over 35 years experience in the Security and Investigations industry and is currently in charge of Avis Southern Africa Special Investigations Unit. His work in crime related investigations means he has a close awareness of our security environment and places great premium on the safety and welfare of everyone living here.
Ian Boxall
Ian BoxallVice-Chairman and Finance
Ian is a CEO who owns and manages a number of companies in the chemicals industry. He has been a trustee for The Cottages since 2006 and has previously served as Chairman of the THOA Board of Trustees. He brings a wealth of skill to the current Board with his entrepreneurial spirit.
Carmen Van Wyk
Carmen Van WykArchitectural Trustee
Carmen grew up in Durban and obtained her Bachelor of Architectural Studies from UKZN.  She moved to Gauteng 10 years ago for work opportunities and has been living in Thornhill Estate for the last 7 years.  Carmen and her mother run their own Greenstone Hill based design company.  They specialize in residential and commercial designs as their core business, but love renovations.  She enjoys the Thornhill surrounds and feels that she can contribute to the community with a personal and keen interest in the estate.
These documents are constantly under review, but we try our best to keep the most current ones available here. Please bear with us and inform the office if you find any discrepancies.

These documents are constantly under review, but we try our best to keep the most current ones available here. Please bear with us and inform the office if you find any discrepancies.

MAS-001-K : THOA Constitution 2019 

MAS-002-D : THOA Code of Conduct 2018

MAS-003-B : THOA Trustees Code of Conduct-Responsibilities & Function 2017

MAS-005-B : THOA Document Control Procedure 2017

MAS-007-B : THOA Process for the Exercise of Discretion 2017

MAS-008-A : THOA Authority Framework 2017

ADD-002-D : Addendum 2 – Property Transfer Clearance & Authorisation 2017

ADD-003-D : Addendem 3 – Architectural Aesthetic Guidelines & Building Rules 2019

ADD-004-F : Addendum 4 – Contractors Rules 2019

ADD-005-D : Addendum 5 – Contractors Registration 2023

ADD-006-F : Addendum 6 – Estate Agents Rules and Registration 2017

ADD-007-D : Addendum 7 – Tenants Security Registration Form 2017

ADD-008-D : Addendum 8 – Business Accreditation Rules 2020

ADD-009-D : Addendum 9 – Hire of Community Centre 2018

ADD-010-B : Addendum 10 – Communication & Non-Compliance Forms 2017

ADD-011-D : Addendum 11 – Installation of Generators 2018

ADD-012-E : Addendum 12 – Owners Security Registration Form 2017

ADD-013-G : Addendum 13 – Fees Fines & Penalties 2018

Tree Trimming & Removal Request Form

The Villas Constitution

Oaktree Village Constitution

The Cottages Conduct Rules

Owners are requested to report any problems they may experience directly with the relevant Municipal Service at the City of Joburg.

THOA staff will assist Owners and Residents by providing advice and/or contacting the various municipal departments when there is a major breakdown or supply problem.

Electricity Supply Refers to the supply of power to all residences.
Sewer System All blockages, overflowing, repairs and cleaning can only be carried out by the City of Johannesburg System. This is the same as any suburb within the City boundaries. THOA are not allowed to work on the Council’s infrastructure.
Water System Refers to all plumbing up to the water meter

City of Joburg Call Centre numbers
0860 562 874 / 011 375 5555

Please ensure you get a reference number

The safety and security of our residents is of the utmost importance to the Thornhill Home Owners Association. In this regard we require the co-operation and compliance of all residents and their visitors in respect of our Security Rules and Regulations.

iMvula Protection Services is our contracted Security Service Provider and has a proven track record on our Estate. Besides the two Armed Reaction vehicles patrolling exclusively within our Estate, we also have iMvula Security staff positioned at our Main Gate Entrance and on-foot patrols along our perimeter and inside the Estate.

It is important to note that, whilst iMvula take care of our common areas and perimeter, it is also the responsibility of our homeowners to ensure that basic security measures are taken to protect their homes.

Access control is governed by means of a biometric (fingerprint) system on which all residents are required to be registered. Should an individual’s fingerprints not be able to be read by the system (as is sometimes the case with elderly people), then that person will be issued with a free Access Card, with a replacement cost of R150.00, should the card be lost or damaged.

Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with the security procedures below. Should you have any questions please contact the Estate Management.

iMvula contact numbers

Main Gate: 011 608 4361
Control Room: 011 202 7700

Security Overview


The Security objectives provide an environment that minimises potential criminal activity by way of:

  • Gated controlled access
  • Perimeter fencing and
  • Security patrols of the common and perimeter fence.

They maintain good conduct standards of members and occupiers of erven in the Estate for the general benefit of all members in accordance with the Code of Conduct, Rules and Regulations adopted by the Thornhill Home Owners Association;

In order for any Security procedure to work, it is essential that all residents and visitors participate in this process, as no system could operate without the correct mindset of the participants. In order to achieve this each resident within the Estate has certain responsibilities and these are as follows:

  • To ensure the security and integrity of his or her own household. It is impossible for any security force to be able to secure every house in the Estate the size of Thornhill;
  •  To abide by the access control system rules; regardless of how inconvenient you may believe the system is, it is there for your protection;
  • To assist the general security by reporting suspicious activities timeously so that they may be reacted to immediately.


The Security functions of the Estate are directly controlled through the Estate Management team that operates on mandates given by the Security Committee. This Committee is chaired by the Trustee holding the Security portfolio and comprises elected residents, Estate Management and representatives of the Contract Security Company. The Committee meet on a monthly basis to:

  • Constantly assess the Security risks;
  • Assess methods of preventing and minimising the risks;
  • Assess the performance of contractual services;
  • Adjudicate tenders and equipment purchases;
  • Review the presentation of all incidents that have occurred since the previous meeting. Where serious incidents occur, the Chairman and Committee members are advised immediately such reports are received.


Security personnel are contracted by the THOA through a Security contractor who is appointed by the Security Committee and Trustees through a tender process.

The following security functions are carried out by our contractor:

  • The provision of Estate Security Supervisors on a 24/7 basis. The supervisors are responsible for ensuring that all security functions are properly fulfilled; they attend to any reports received, including the non-compliance of any conduct rule;
  • The supply of manpower at the gates on a 24/7 basis. These guards provide oversight of the automated access control system for residents and visitors. The personnel are under direct instruction from THOA not to act on their own initiative in allowing entry or egress; where it is necessary for them to over-ride the system for any reason, they may only do so under direct instruction from Thornhill Management.
  • The supply of patrol guards and patrol vehicles based on the given mandate;
  • THOA does not provide a remote monitoring and reaction function. However, such service may be obtained from the Security contractor as a privately contracted function independent of the THOA. Estate Security and the armed patrol vehicles are nevertheless under instruction to assist residents wherever possible.

Personnel performance is appraised on a monthly basis and in terms of our agreement: where performance levels drop below a pre-agreed level the service provider is placed on terms and may be required to decrease their monthly billing by 1% for each percentage point below the pre-agreed level.


All telephonic reports should be made through the Estate Management telephone numbers:

  • THOA Estate Office 011 608 0835
  • Main Gate 011 608 4361

The Main Gate telephone is manned on a 24/7 basis, but the Estate Office telephone is only manned during office hours.

Should you note any transgressions by the Security Personnel please do not take up the matter with them. Instead please report this to the Estate Management who will take the necessary action where required.

All contractors are required to register with the office; failure to do so will result in a Non-compliance Notice being issued to the homeowner. Please click on links below to view the contractors rules and registration forms.

Contractors activity is limited to the following working hours only:
Monday to Friday: 07:00 – 18:00
Saturday: 07:00 – 13:00

Deliveries from suppliers must be scheduled during the following times:
Monday to Friday: 07:00 – 16:00
Saturday: 07:00 – 12:00

Vehicles must be off site by:
Monday to Friday: 18:00
Saturday: 13:00

  • No building work or related activity is permitted on Saturdays after 13:00, Sundays and Public Holidays except in the case of an emergency.
  • No building work will be permitted during the officially recognised Builders Holidays, normally from 16th December to 5th January every year – refer ADD:004 Contractors Rules.
  • No workers may remain on site at any time after normal working hours, and no worker may sleep on site. Night watchmen are expressly forbidden .
  • In cases where emergency work has been undertaken after hours, it is requested that the property owner report such activities to the site office within normal working hours after the event.
  • All contractors and sub-contractors are to transport their workers to and from the work site.  Any worker found wandering around the estate will be requested to leave by the security guards.
  • All workers should be in possession of a valid identity document or work permit. THOA reserves the right to limit access to anyone not in possession of the above documents.  The appointed security company personnel on routine patrols have standing instructions to request any loiterers to leave.
  • The Building site and all surrounding areas must be kept clean at all times. Clearing of building rubble and litter, must be regular during the entire duration of building operations. The   contractor or sub-contractor/Owner will be fined should the site not be kept clean to the satisfaction of the THOA.
  • Only one contractor’s sign board per site must be erected with the builders name and contact details thereon. Boards may not be erected on pavement areas and may not exceed A2 (420mm x 600mm) in size. No sub-contractors boards are allowed and all boards must be removed after completion of construction. The THOA “Authorised Building Site Board” shall be displayed on the palisade fence until completion of building operations. These boards must be obtained at the THOA Office on registration.